Group Show at Sejong Centre Kwang Hwa Rang, Seoul.



Group exhibition that's been held in Sejong Centre Kwang-hwa-rang in Seoul <커피를그리다> is starting from Feb 25 - March 3rd. I painted on two coffee cups (latte and espresso cups) and did some drawings for this show. It was my first time trying to paint on cups and it was pretty fun! 

Opening party was on Sat. Feb. 28 and it was good to see some of my old friends from Toronto and other new artists! (20 illustrators including myself participated in this show) 

Thanks for coming and hope you enjoy. 

세종문화회관 광화랑에서 진행된 <커피를그리다> 그룹전에 참여하였습니다. 
전시는 2/28 - 3/3까지 진행되며 광화랑은 광화문역 안에 있습니다. (7번출구쪽에서 가까워요)