[Seoul Illustration Fair 2016]

Some of my recent original work & art prints/products will be available @ SIF. 
Please come and say hello if you are around or if u can make it! I will be there for all 4 days :)) 

Date: Fri. July 8 - Mon. July 11 
Venue: COEX , D Hall, F12 

[Namib Desert] was chosen for American Illustration 35

I'm very happy to share the news that my 'Namib Desert' piece was chosen 
to be part of the AI35 archive. Thanks to the jury :) 

꽃청춘을 보며 풍경에 반해서 작업했던 '나미브사막' 그림이 
아메리칸일러스트레이션35 에 Chosen으로 선정되었습니다. 
온라인 웹갤러리에서 보실 수 있습니다 :) 

[Art on the Rooftop X The삼각형] @ Micimpact Factory, Seoul

장쿨언니, 소영이와함께 The삼각형으로 신촌 마이크임팩트 팩토리에서 전시합니다.   
오프닝은 1.8(금) 이구요 소소한 이벤트 준비했으니 놀러오세 :) 
(밑에 전시상세안내 링크 참고해주세요!) 

Come and join us on Fri Jan 8th for opening show 
[MIC IMPACT FACTORY X THE 삼각형] exhibition! 
There will be free refills for draft beers (8000won for entry fee) 
with the chance of winning lucky draw box and other events! :) 

Venue: Mic Impact Factory, Shinchon, Seoul 
Exhibition Date: Jan.8,2016 - Jan.29 (opening on Fri Jan.8, 7pm)

ART ON THE ROOFTOP VOL.2. 마이크임팩트 팩토리 X THE 삼각형
우리를 닮아 아기자기하고 따뜻한 감성이 묻어나는 ‘The 삼각형’과
새해 첫 전시를 함께합니다!
전시기간동안 전시뿐만 아니라 푸짐한 상품이 있는 오프닝파티, 
드로잉 워크샵, 윈도우드로잉, 네일아트와 북바인딩 클래스까지!
전시 일정 : 2016.1.8(금) ~ 1.29(금) / 오프닝 2016.1.8(금) 7PM ~
전시 상세안내: http://goo.gl/Z0e8wf
전시 오프닝 사전신청: https://goo.gl/7jsmmt

'Post It Show X' - Giant Robot 2 Gallery, LA, CA

Post It Show 11 at  GiantRobot in LA. 
Door opens at Dec 5th 4pm .

I submitted few pieces for the show for this year again :) 

(Post from Giant Robot Blog)
Giant Robot and Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson Present Post-It Ten at GR2
2062 Sawtelle Blvd
LA, CA 90025 
Post-It is a curated event featuring 330 artists (In 2013) and 2500+ Post-It note art pieces. It's the premier event featuring Art on Post-It Notes by everyone's favorite artists. It's a curated exhibition. Past participants included: Audrey Kawasaki, James Jean, Gary Baseman, Nathan Ota, Rob Sato, Souther Salazar, Kent Williams, Mark Todd, Esther Pearl Watson, Yoskay Yamamoto, Luke Chueh, Katsuya Terada, Mari Inukai, Wayne Johnson, and many others. 
All pieces are $25. We will not presell any pieces. We will not hold any pieces. You have to be here to purchase.  

The 삼각형 Exhibition @ Urban Pluto, Seoul [extended exhibition]

[ Clair Jang  X  Sohyouillust  X  YooJin Guak ]

OCADU alumni Clair, Sohyoung and YooJin, who are the members of The삼각형's work will be shown at Urban Pluto until Nov 22, 2016.

선유도에있는 갤러리 편집샵 '어반플루토' 에서 진행되는
The삼각형 전시가 연장되었습니다 ^^

Please contact here for more information : 
